What I’ve Been Up To

& how I’m learning to trust the process.

Dedicated to :

Any of you who are craving a fresh start or have forgotten that you choose what to allow into your life or are scared to trust your gut.

I’m scared too, but I just can’t shake the feeling that this is going to be good.


It’s 1.1.2022 & I am waking up on the beach in Miami, FL. Laying out a towel on the sand, listening to “Suite : Judy Blue Eyes,” & feeling at the brink of my very own Nancy Meyers style movie where I get to be the main character.

[rewind the tape]

But to get here, to this fresh start, I’ve made and had to come to terms with so much change. I truly learned the power of choice last year. How at any time you can completely change your life. If you’ve been following me for a while, you know that I moved to and founded Michi Interiors in Newark, Ohio. A place I never thought I would land as a girl who grew up in West Palm Beach, FL and even though unexpected it was the period in my life where I grew the most. I learned what I was capable of. I was capable of building a life for myself in the most unexpected places, build a community of friends that spend as much time together as family that eats way too much charcuterie, and a home where for 6 years I lived inside my happy.

[fast forward to the present, now play]

So today, I am living in Miami, FL. I just relaunched Michi Interiors, which was one of the very first steps in the process to design my life, my happy, and I now on my very favorite holiday, New Years, I am continuing my very favorite tradition of designing my vision for the New Year because the happy doesn’t stop here. I’ve made it my life’s work to make sure of it!

To start every year right, I love to find a word that encapsulates my intention for how I am going to move through the year. My true north.

This year, for 2022, I chose align. Aligning myself with the people, places, & things that allow me to live inside my happy & protecting my peace ferociously. To determine whether something is in alignment I ask myself, “Is this a full body yes?” Abso-fucking-lutely is the only acceptable answer.


Now, we all have that list of things we’ve wanted to do or experience or learn, and here is a peek at mine.

Remember, when you’re jotting down your list “full body yes” only!

What I’ll be up to in 2022 :

  • Number 1! Saving for a study/work abroad trip to Tuscany or Paris! This adventure has been on my “Live Inside Your Happy” list since I could remember!

  • Land 3 “Live Inside Your Happy” projects for the year! True storytelling projects with clients ready to be the main character of their lives!

  • Have my weeks booked with virtual design meetings! Think, tele-health doctor, but I’m healing your design problems.

  • Relaunch my virtual happy hours with my insanely talented creative one woman show business owner friends.

  • Monthly solo afternoon trips to the beach to recenter and journal.

  • Monthly pottery classes with my sister.

  • Send more snail mail on my hand painted postcards.

  • Read, read, read! Stay tuned for an update! Recommendations welcome!

  • Family, family, family!

Now, to tackle my 2022 and share the up, the downs, and what I’m learning along the way!

Want to start living inside your happy and do it with me?!?

Let’s chat!

“And she continued” - A successful woman


Chat Soon xo,


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