Weekend DIYs To Elevate Your Home


I learned from one of my favorite mentors, Pat Warthen, that being too precious about your home is overrated.

There is so much fun to be had if you embrace the playful nature of what it means to live within a home that I encourage you to allow to evolve just as you do.

  1. Paint Your Window Frames

My fellow Mamma Mia fans know about this Grecian obsession that immediately makes your house feel like a home! Check out some of my favorite ways you can try out this DIY. Remember it’s just paint, try it on like an outfit you’ve been lusting over & who knows, it just might fit.

Painting just the windows & their frames

Interior door & frames

Exterior doors & windows

If you’re looking for another way to embrace this DIY project this weekend, paint your interior doors. You can start by painting the interior of the door to your half bath, the doors in your upstairs hallway, or the doors in your master closet! Have some fun!

Keep an eye out for the first issue of my Live Inside Your Happy eBook to see what some of my favorite paint colors for this very project are!

2. Let’s Make Some Lighting

We’ve all walked into homes with the dreaded . . . boob light. I’m not going to post a picture of it because… well … it’s not my aesthetic. But we are done keeping them or overlooking them because replacing it would be too expensive. Let me show you how you can upgrade your home with this easy DIY.

First, find your lamp shade & support a small business owner by shopping on Etsy.

Let your imagination run wild! Two materials I love to work with for these projects are rattan & ceramics. For the rattan lamp shade, all you have to do is weave your light bulb through the hole of the shade or run some wire to bring it down to a pendant. Cover the wire by wrapping the material of your choice around it. Now when you are working with ceramics the best way to get the best price is to look for a bowl at your neighborhood thrift store or Homegoods. Next buy a ceramic drill bit and create a hole just large enough to weave your wire or bulb through.

You will love how this affordable, yet thoughtfully created, light fixture brings joy to your home.

3. Bring Home Fresh Flowers

I know I know! But it’s sweet right!

Whether it’s raining, snowing, or your home is glowing with sunshine fresh flowers will always bring life to your favorite spaces. It’s worth the investment whether you indulge once a month or every weekend. Maybe each member of the household takes turns picking the flowers, or if you’re like me we get to pick the flowers out every time!

I’m so lucky to be friends with the best florists, but you don’t need to be to enjoy the luxury of fresh flowers.

Pick out your favorite bundle of stems & if you’re new to this maybe a vase too. The best vases are at Goodwills or vintage shops! Plus, they are a total steal!

Now that you have them in your home, don’t overthink it. Cut the stems evenly, remove a few excess leaves that fall below the vases rim, & watch them light up your room by placing them on your coffee table or sweet nightstand to wake up to in the morning.

4. Paint a Huge Piece of Art

If you are like almost every client I’ve ever had, you get overwhelmed by what to hang on your walls. Well, I have a solution for you that is going to give you so much bang for your buck. A phrase that makes me cringe just typing it out. But what can I say, it expresses how I feel about this DIY to a tee.

Think Rothko! Think … framing a beautiful tapestry or vintage fabric or even a rug!

Michaels always has great deals popping up on canvases, so keep an eye out. In December, this month, I took FULL advantage of their BUY 1 GET 2 FREE offer. It felt like my birthday! I bought the biggest canvases they had.

If you’re deciding to bring in some intentional color to your space like the image with the cutest pup in the world, don’t overthink it. Get a nice wide brush or one that is on it’s last leg and is kind of stiff. Either way there is no wrong way to paint a solid color. You might want to see the brush strokes so you’ll water down your paint or use a stiffer brush or if you’re like me your brain will need to fill in those gaps & you’ll get this almost sculptural heavy piece that visually grounds your space almost like a rug would! Don’t be afraid to mix in colors too. Just select colors within the same color temperature range. So if you paint a blue canvas, then you can add other cool colors, like green, purple, teal, or even shades of white. If you’re an artist then have a little more fun with it, but if not I swear this DIY is fool proof.


I hope these DIYs can inspire you to be more fearless when you’re designing your home. Remember, being too precious about your home is overrated. None of us got to where we are without an awkward phase or two. Enjoy the process & trust it!

And if you need a little extra help tap the button below to book a design consultation with me, your designer best friend!

Chat Soon xo,


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